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Effective Date: 28-Feb-2024
Last Updated: 28-Feb-2024

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Eastbourne College

Miller Bourne architects Hove were instructed to build a new sports hall, pavilion, dining room and classroom block at Eastbourne College. Built to celebrate them being open for 150 years and known as Project 150 the project is a testament to modern design and construction using traditional materials. A previous Miller Bourne partner had attended…

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Glazed Bricks at 40 Beak Street – Damien Hirst’s new London Studio and Sticks’N’Sushi new restaurant

This Glazed Brick project at Beak Street in Soho is the BDA Double Award Nominated project by Stiff and Trevillion. Nominated in the categories for Best Commercial and Best Craftmanship. The Glazed Brick team at NRTaylor are looking forward to hearing the results on the 8th of November 2018. The Design 40 Beak Street is…

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